A Labour manifesto is WORTHLESS says Brown in Court

An ex Labour activist Stuart Bower, a former police officer who was later a constituency secretary for the Labour Party in Hove in 1997 took Gordon Brown to court today.

Mr Bower claims that the government promised a referendum on the European
Constitution in its election manifesto of 2005. The court will be asked
to decide whether the government's refusal to hold one is a breach of
contract with all those who voted Labour in the 2005 General Election.

The lovely Trixy has a real scoop today and blogged this direct from the court.

Gordon's barrister, who stood up this morning to inform the court that
“manifesto pledges are not subject to legitimate expectation” and
therefore cannot be relied upon in a court of law.

Did you get that – A Labour manifesto is WORTHLESS. So that's official then.

He disgustingly displays his Contempt, complete and utter contempt for you and your country.

Every Labour MP must search his soul tonight, and decide whether they are as big a liar as Gordon. If the manifesto was a lie, then you no longer need to feel tied to the whip, vote for what is best for our nation, not what is best for Gordon, for when he is done with you, when you have done his bidding, you too will become worthless to him.

Every Labour voter must now decide whether they can ever vote Labour again, knowing that the entire NuLab project is based upon lies. Not just little lies, but multitudes of lies, and the biggest lie of all is giving away our sovereignty, against the will of the people and denying them their say.

The House ethics committee must now seriously consider whether Brown has brought the House into disrepute, and if so, they must act to impeach him.

I for one now feel that I have every right to lie to any government department, never again will they get true and accurate information from me. I will lie about my name, my age, my date of birth, my place of birth, and if challenged I will use Gordon's own defence and put him up as my role model.

As Mr Eugenides says: you know something's gone wrong with politics when… (1) you tell a
court “I'm a liar and my promises cannot be relied on”, and (2) that's
your defence

NuLab – Destroying Britain from the inside out.

About IanPJ

Ian Parker-Joseph, former Leader of the Libertarian Party UK, who currently heads PDPS Internet Hosting and the Personal Deed Poll Services company, has been an IT industry professional for over 20 years, providing Business Consulting, Programme and Project Management, specialising in the recovery of Projects that have failed in a process driven world. Ian’s experience is not limited to the UK, and he has successfully delivered projects in the Middle East, Africa, US, Russia, Poland, France and Germany. Working within different cultures, Ian has occupied high profile roles within multi-nationals such as Nortel and Cable & Wireless. These experiences have given Ian an excellent insight into world events, and the way that they can shape our own national future. His extensive overseas experiences have made him all too aware of how the UK interacts with its near neighbours, its place in the Commonwealth, and how our nation fits into the wider world. He is determined to rebuild many of the friendships and commercial relationships with other nations that have been sadly neglected over the years, and would like to see greater energy and food security in these countries, for the benefit of all. Ian is a vocal advocate of small government, individual freedom, low taxation and a minimum of regulation. Ian believes deeply and passionately in freedom and independence in all areas of life, and is now bringing his professional experiences to bear in the world of politics.
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0 Responses to A Labour manifesto is WORTHLESS says Brown in Court

  1. Anonymous says:

    I might agree that a pledge might be unachievable due to unforeseen events, or unpredictable third party actions, but a pledge to hold a referendum should not be classed in this way. Nothing material subsequently happened in the real world to prevent a referendum being held.
    The brief report I heard on the Brighton hearing suggests that Brown's barrister made his statement and that was that. The whole thing only lasted around an hour. In other words the outcome was never in doubt, and the case was treated as a joke by the legal system.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If Brown wins the current court case, that will establish in law his defence.
    That in turn will leave EVERY Labour MP open to charges of Fraud by misrepresentation, as their £60,000 MP's salary is gain if obtained falsely.
    Perhaps a fighting fund is needed to pick them off one by one.