Attempt to replace the Crown with the EU ?

Slice by slice…

On 14.05.2013 a Bill was Laid before the House of Lords by the Labour Peer Lord Berkeley –

Rights of the Sovereign and the Duchy of Cornwall Bill [HL] 2013-14

A Bill to amend the Sovereign Grant Act 2011; to amend the succession to the title of the Duke of Cornwall; to redistribute the Duchy of Cornwall estate; and to remove the requirement for a Parliament to obtain the Queen’s or Prince’s consent to consideration of Bills passing through Parliament.

It is suspected that this Bill was specifically designed to enable EU law to be passed without the need for Royal Assent among other things.
Was this an attempt to replace the Crown with the EU?

Luckily for us, it ran out of time, but it did get to the Second reading – the general debate on all aspects of the Bill – took place on 8 November 2013.

Committee stage – line by line examination of the Bill – is yet to be scheduled.

The 2013-14 session of parliament has prorogued and this Bill will make no further progress.

But… it doesn’t mean that the planned moves to remove the legal requirement for a Royal check and balance have gone away…

The Bill as Laid before Parliament.

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Is Microsoft going to be the new IBM

About 15 years ago the USA and Europe came up with the US-EU Safe Harbor agreement which has allowed US companies to store European data legally. The agreement was invalidated by the European courts on October 6th.

There have been several interesting developments since then, most notably a rather innovative move by Microsoft yesterday.

In the mean time, here in Redmond, “Microsoft announced today that it is opening a data center in Germany which will be owned and controlled by Deutsche Telecom, a German company. The effect of this move is that any requests to access data in this facility will have to go through Deutsche Telecom and the German government.

This move by Microsoft is in direct response to the NSA/Snowden revelations and their inability to protect customer data from US intelligence. According to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella “We need to earn both trust of our global customers and operate globally. That’s at the cornerstone of how we’€™ve done business and how we will continue to do business.”

Do we want to entrust the privacy of every man, woman and child in Europe to the German Government?

Speaking personally, I don’t know whether this is jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, as I recall it was in 1933 that the US through IBM (the Microsoft of its day) supplied what was then the latest state of the art Hollerith punch card technology to the German Government to assist them in building their dream of a Greater Europe. We are all aware of how this equipment was used by the Gestapo. IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloguing programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s. IBM technology was used to organize nearly everything in Germany and then Nazi Europe, from the identification of the Jews in censuses, registrations, and ancestral tracing programs to the running of railroads and organizing of concentration camp slave labour.

That move was initially opposed by the German people, until they were silenced with the now famous quote by Joseph Goebbels “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear”.

I leave you to decide on whether this move by Microsoft is good or potentially dangerous, but bearing in mind that as Microsoft software operates on approximately 90% of all user computer equipment, and is now specifically built to spy extensively on its users with Windows 10, with that spyware being retroactively applied to Windows 7/Windows 8 and Window 8.1 through updates, I have no doubt of its potential value to Germany and the (EU) European Project in 2015.

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MI5 unhappy with Snapchat & WhatsApp

Andrew Parker, the head of MI5, has condemned popular encrypted sexting apps such as Snapchat and WhatsApp for allowing terrorists to communicate freely. Speaking in his first live interview, Parker demanded that technology companies provide the government access to their secure communication services. Good luck selling that to the Randian libertarians in Silicon Valley…

“Shifts in technology and particularity internet technology and the use of encryption and so on, are creating a situation where law enforcement agencies and security agencies can no longer obtain under proper legal warrant the contents of communications between people they have reason to believe are terrorists. I think that is a very serious issue, it requires that there is a legal framework to authorise, but it also requires the cooperation of the companies who run and provide services over the internet that we all use.”

We all understand the need for the security services to monitor and catch terrorists and spies, however, and this is a big however, when those same security services and the governments behind them stop undertaking mass surveillance of the general population, and concentrate solely upon the terrorists and spies, then perhaps the same public at large will agree that they need access to the communications of those specific groups, WITHIN A LEGAL FRAMEWORK, i.e. warranted interceptions. No more, no less and with no scope creep.

Until the mass surveillance ends, there will be very few who will want tech companies to grant open access. This lack of access to certain types of communication and the growth in encrypted messaging is a direct result of government actions. Do not blame the public for what government has done.

The majority of people have nothing to hide, but that does not mean that they wish their entire life to be stored and become accessible to all and sundry simply because they have a ‘government’ badge.

Edward Snowden taught us all one very important lesson. Your freedom comes at a price, but giving every detail of your life up to a government that will suck that life out of you is not the right price.


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Email privacy

Are you getting fed up with every man and his dog reading your emails… either government who have now given themselves the power to read everything.. or the free service providers such as Microsoft and Gmail, who then target adverts at you based upon the content of your emails… and we all know that these providers regularly sell off their email addresses to corporates so that they can target their spam at you…

It’s time to get some of your privacy back… and having been using this service for the past month or so, I am recommending using a new end to end encrypted email service based in Switzerland called Protonmail.


It’s free, its web based and its fully end to end encrypted. You can even send encrypted email to non Protonmail users, and if you choose you can also download your public key to send to users who are already using inline PGP.

Emails are automatically end-to-end encrypted inside their email service. Because of this, they cannot decrypt or share your data with third parties.

There is a waiting list for their services however, as demand has outstripped their ability to supply, but they are filling in the gaps very quickly, and are currently running beta testing on IoS and Android apps, so you will be able to take your encrypted email mobile.

Privacy is a basic human right, it’s why we have front doors, or curtains over our windows, and our email conversations should be no different.

You can read about Protonmail on

or sign-up for a free secure email account here.


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We Will Remember Them

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England’s foam


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.


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Our ancient Customs & Liberties being destroyed

Liberty Lib”er*ty (l[i^]b”[~e]r*t[y^]), n.; pl. Liberties
(-t[i^]z). [OE. liberte, F. libert[‘e], fr. L. libertas, fr.
liber free. See Liberal.]
1. The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to
the will of another claiming ownership of the person or
services; freedom; — opposed to slavery, serfdom,
bondage, or subjection.
[1913 Webster]

Our forefathers worked long and hard, sacrificed much and in many cases shed their blood so that future generations could be guaranteed the continuation of our ancient Customs and Liberties, and the protection of our constitution.

Our key constitutional documents are these:

That Liberty they fought for included exemption from subjection by the State. This is now being undermined by a whole new raft of EU legislation, some of which is being manipulated through the UK parliament as we speak by what I can only refer to as traitors. All EU law undermines our constitution, all EU law undermines our rule of law, all EU law undermines our ancient Customs & Liberties as laid down by our consitituion, and its going to get worse.

Herman Van Rompuy said in a statement on economics: The EP and national parliaments both have a crucial role to play in legitimising future governance structures, he stressed, adding that a lack of legitimacy had been a flaw in the old stability and growth pact.

It is pleasing to hear direct from the horses mouth, the unelected Van Rompuy, that the EU, the unelected European Commission and its governance structures stand illegitimate.

We now discover that the judiciary, subjugated by politicians, ejected from our parliamentary structure, and no longer permitted to independently uphold our Common Law against these traitors, are in the main now part of variously open and secret networks across Europe in furtherance of the EU Project.

A new document has recently come to light, outlining some of the networks to which our judiciary have allowed themselves to become attached.

A draft working paper by Noreen O’Meara, PhD candidate, Queen Mary, University of London and Lecturer in Law, University of Surrey describes the context:

The role of the (EU) ‘national’ judge
Meanings, forms and patterns of ‘judicial dialogue’
The emergence of transnational judicial networks

It shows in some detail how our judiciary have been infiltrated, subjugated and our ancient Right & Customs are being trashed. To their shame.

The arrest of Judge Michael Peake in Birkenhead on the 7th March 2011 is likely to be the first of many, as the public begin to push back, realising that in so many cases our judiciary is no longer ‘acting under oath’ in the protection of our laws and customs, but playing the EU Corpus Juris legislative and administrative court game instead.

Battle has already commenced.

The Fabian technique of perverting the Parliamentary system to destroy responsible Government was warned against by the famous former Lord Chief Justice of England, Lord Hewart, in his great classic, The New Despotism (1929).

Lord Hewart made the following serious charge:
“A mass of evidence establishes the fact that there is in existence a persistent and well-contrived system, intending to produce, and in practice producing, a despotic power which at one and the same time places Government departments beyond the sovereignty of Parliament and beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts.”
The “persistent and well-contrived system” has been expanded enormously since Lord Hewart wrote his book

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UK Parliament comes to an effective end

On the 1st November 2014 the right of Parliament to legislate over us in 43 areas, the important ones, will be removed and be made subject to approval. They call it QMV, Qualified Majority Voting.

Each member State will lose it right of Veto over these areas, so Cameron’s idea of  negotiation to recover any areas goes out the window at the same time.

The following areas of competence will switch from requiring unanimous approval of all member states to qualified majority voting only:

Initiatives of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Administrative co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Asylum – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Border controls – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Citizens’ initiative regulations – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Civil protection – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Committee of the Regions – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Common defence policy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Crime prevention incentives – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Criminal judicial co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Criminal law – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Culture – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Diplomatic & Consular protection – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Economic & Social Committee – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Emergency international aid – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Energy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
EU budget – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Eurojust – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
European Central Bank – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
European Court of Justice – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Europol – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Eurozone external representation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Foreign Affairs High Representative election – Lisbon: QMV
Freedom of movement for workers – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Freedom to establish a business – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon QMV
Freedom, security, justice, co-operation & evaluation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Funding the Common Foreign & Security Policy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
General economic interest services – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Humanitarian aid – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Immigration – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Intellectual property – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Organisation of the Council of the EU – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Police co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
President of the European Council election – Lisbon: QMV
Response to natural disasters & terrorism – Lisbon: QMV
Rules concerning the Armaments Agency – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Self-employment access rights – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Social Security Unanimity – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Space – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Sport – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Structural & Cohension Funds – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Tourism – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Transport – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Withdrawal of a member state – Lisbon: QMV

A brief review of the Treaties confirms the Transitional arrangements which allow, only on specific votes, for the Nice Treaty Provisions to apply from 1st November 2014 until March 2017, hence I imagine PM David Cameron’s determination to delay our referendum beyond that date, tying Britain for ever within the non-democratic, totalitarian and now clearly despotic EU.

For your reference, if anyone interested in the Treaty Articles behind this change, here is the legal bit.

h/t Goodnight Vienna


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How EU law is made

originally published August 28th, 2010 by IanPJ

When politicians explain that laws are made in Westminster they are only giving you a half truth, so please ask them to explain what I am about to show you below, and then ask them whether they understand the UK relationship with the EU, and how the UK is governed.

Following the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, the first pillar of EU law has been satisfied, subsumed into the Treaty on the EU (TEU) and into the renamed Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Such treaties provide primary law within all 27 member states.

As the Lisbon Treaty as subsumed allows for self amendment, there will be no more treaties of this kind, only International Agreements that will now be negotiated and sealed by the EU, and former National treaties that will be adopted and form part of the TEU and TFEU, an example of which can be found here.

All other law, in the parlance of the EU, is called Secondary Legislation, and it is derived in the following ways, and I outline the three most important elements of secondary legislation, Regulations, Directives and Decisions. (and I take this from the EUR-LEX database direct).

1.3.1. Introduction

The ‘secondary legislation’ is the third major source of Community law after the treaties (primary legislation) and international agreements. It can be defined as the totality of the legislative instruments adopted by the European institutions pursuant to the provisions of the treaties. Secondary legislation comprises the binding legal instruments (regulations, directives and decisions) and non-binding instruments (resolutions, opinions) provided for in the EC Treaty, together with a whole series of other instruments such as the institutions’ internal regulations and Community action programmes.

1.3.2. Regulation

Adopted by the Council in conjunction with the European Parliament or by the Commission alone, a regulation is a general measure that is binding in all its parts. Unlike directives, which are addressed to the Member States, and decisions, which are for specified recipients, regulations are addressed to everyone.

A regulation is directly applicable, which means that it creates law which takes immediate effect in all the Member States in the same way as a national instrument, without any further action on the part of the national authorities.

1.3.3. Directive

Adopted by the Council in conjunction with the European Parliament or by the Commission alone, a directive is addressed to the Member States. Its main purpose is to align national legislation.

A directive is binding on the Member States as to the result to be achieved but leaves them the choice of the form and method they adopt to realise the Community objectives within the framework of their internal legal order.

If a directive has not been transposed into national legislation in a Member State, if it has been transposed incompletely or if there is a delay in transposing it, citizens can directly invoke the directive in question before the national courts.

1.3.4. Decision

Adopted either by the Council, by the Council in conjunction with the European Parliament or by the Commission, a decision is the instrument by which the Community institutions give a ruling on a particular matter. By means of a decision, the institutions can require a Member State or a citizen of the Union to take or refrain from taking a particular action, or confer rights or impose obligations on a Member State or a citizen.

A decision is:

– an individual measure, and the persons to whom it is addressed must be specified individually, which distinguishes a decision from a regulation,

– binding in its entirety.

It is important to note that the European Commission, an unelected body, has the power to make law using the methods above without recourse to either the European Parliament or the Council of Ministers. The UK Parliament, our MP’s, now only create on their own initiative something in the region of 15% of the laws that pass through Westminster. All other laws and Statutory Instruments are in furtherance of laws that have been made in Brussels using the 3 methods above.

If you go to the EUR-LEX database directly, you can see the other types of instruments that are used to formulate, or coerse  National Governments to introduce legislation ‘voluntarily’ with the veiled threat that a directive will follow unless they do. These are Recommendations, Opinions and Joint Actions.

The Smoking Ban is one such example, where the EU Commission has only ever given an Opinion that National governments were encouraged to follow, with explicit threats of EU legislation if they did not.

Historical laws and regulations are all on the various EU databases. All you have to do is find them, trouble is they keep moving them.

You don’t think they are trying to hide anything! Do you?


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Backing away from the brink

How does a World Leader back away from the brink of disaster. You use your elected officials to narrowly restrain you.

Barak Obama has done his master’s bidding and taken the world to the brink of WWIII this week, but in a rare moment of better judgement he finds he cannot finally push the button.

How can he pull back, having marched his army to the top of the hill he cannot be seen simply to turn them round and march them down again. No-one would ever believe the word of the US again.

Similarly, he cannot be seen to be bowing to the growing international pressure mounting against the US, the same international community that the US frequently cites as being outraged allowing the US to do unspeakable things to the populations of other nations. This time however he has no coalition of the willing, as one by one they say No, not this time.

Nor can he be seen to be bowing to Russian or Chinese pressure, letting them move into the dominant international role that the US has enjoyed for two centuries.

No, the only way in which he can back down without losing face internationally is to have his own Congress reassert their Constitutional role, and over-rule the President. This will be spun on the basis that it is not a defeat for the President, but a win for democracy.

However, having said that, we all know that the best plans of mice and men can go wrong. Miliband for instance who wanted to support a strike on Syria but not wanted to be seen doing so, played a dangerous game of chess by whipping his own amendment, confused his own MP’s and got a different result from the one he wanted. In the end I think it was the right decision, and I care not how it was arrived at, but it shows the dangers of playing chess politics when the stakes are so high.

If this is the Obama plan, and it goes wrong, we could end up with several unwanted scenarios, including one where the US military refuses to carry out the orders of their own Commander in Chief. It is said that unrest amongst the US military is growing daily, and this picture surely says much.

Whether or not this is a real member of the US armed forces is unknown but we suspect it sums up many of their perspectives as Obama punts to Congress.

(via @NewsNinja2012)

As Obama ponders his next move, one that he has given plenty of time to, as he has not requested that Congress be recalled for a special vote, so will have to wait until they reconvene after the holidays on 9th September, and with 2 full days of debate, there will not be a vote until 11th September, a day most Americans would like to eradicate from their calendars. (and no doubt there will be some who will be saying this is symbolic)

Who knows, perhaps there is something in that, when we cast our minds back to Obama’s first visit to Saudi Arabia, when he was photographed in a fully subservient pose kneeling and bowing before the King, or the more recent revelations of incredibly frank discussions between Saudi’s spy-chief Prince Bandar and Russia’s Putin exposed a much deeper plot is afoot and details from the actual people on the ground in the chemically-attacked region of Syria suggest Obama is playing right into the Saudi’s Sunni domination plan, getting the world’s superpowers to do their dirty work for them.

It should also be remembered that immediately following 9/11 leading Saudi’s were allowed to leave the US unhindered, some even helped by the Bush family, and it was not long after that the incredible story of Gen. Westley Clarke, stating that the Bush administration had decided to take out 7 countries in 5 years, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran, although no-one had the slightest idea why. I think all is now becoming somewhat clearer, Shia led countries and petro dollars.

(n.b. General Wesley Clark, the retired four-star general. He was Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the Kosovo War. He has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom)

As for Obama, his Muslim credentials are now visible for all to see, and we are not out of the woods yet. We have no idea which way the US Congress will finally vote, but it does at least give us some breathing space. Time that we must use wisely promoting diplomatic efforts to stop these wars, perhaps elevating the role of the Arab League to intervene rather than Britain or the US, or even the French who are clearly looking for an overseas adventure to distract their home grown economic/immigration/unemployment problems.

And speaking of the French, well the Saudi’s have just rewarded Obama’s remaining supporter with a 1.5billion euro defence contract. Speaks volumes.


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Information is Power in 4 parts

The revelations around the workings of the NSA are not new, just new to those who read newspapers rather than the real information sources on the internet.

I produced the following 4 articles back in 2009. enjoy….

Information is Power 1 – EU funding Orwellian technology

This morning the Telegraph tells us that the EU is funding an ‘Orwellian’ artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for “abnormal behaviour”The European Union is spending millions of pounds developing “Orwellian” technologies designed to scour the internet and CCTV images … Continue reading →

Information is Power 2 – The ICAMS report

Following my article on Sunday with regards to the EU project known as Project Indect, an EU funded project which is just part of a much more widespread global surveillance programme, I have already noticed that some of the links … Continue reading →

Information is Power 3 – The EU Security Industrial Complex

This post follows on from the previous one. In that post I published the ICAMS report, in this one we point you to the The EU Security Industrial Complex report, produced by Statewatch. The Author, Ben Hayes says in his … Continue reading →

Information is Power 4 – Ambitions for EU Defence in 2020

From the very able Calling England blog: Sometimes I feel as if I don’t exist at all except as a blip or a statistic in someone’s in-tray, to be dealt with when they’ve finished their tea & biscuits. ‘What Ambitions … Continue reading →

No longer can such be called conspiracy theory, it now in the public domain and is fact, cold hard fact that will affect your lives forever, and those of your children and your children’s children.



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