Lisbon Treaty must be re-ratified – EU

In the autumn, Britain will have to re-ratify the Lisbon Treaty. Over in Brussels things are afoot and the first major Foreign Policy act of a new UK Prime Minister will be to go to Brussels to rubber stamp a treaty amendment.

On Election Day the European Parliament will vote to confirm an IGC (Intergovernmental Conference) which will take place on June the 17th and 18th in Brussels.

18 extra MEPs. Parliament will decide whether to allow treaty changes increasing the size of the European Parliament to take place without a full Convention (debate Wednesday, vote Thursday).

In this they are supported by the European Commission

the Commission recommends opening an Intergovernmental Conference as soon as possible, remaining strictly limited to discussion of the Spanish proposal for a protocol amending Protocol No 36 on Transitional Provisions

That IGC will amend the Lisbon Treaty (Protocol 36). This will require that the Lisbon Treaty be re-ratified by all 27 nations of the European Union.

Once the IGC is over, the new version of the protocol as adopted will have to be ratified by the 27 national parliaments.

That means that a new Prime Minister will have to ram a new Lisbon Treaty through both Houses of Parliament.

In order to rush the Treaty through in the first place, the current draft failed to sort out the vexed issue of the distribution of seats in the European Parliament. As a result, there are various imbalances in the number of MEPs held by each country – and there are several “ghost” MEPs who currently work in Brussels but don’t actually have any voting powers.

To sort this out, the European Parliament is expected to vote this Thursday in favour of holding a new Inter Governmental Conference on 17th and 18th June. At that conference, part of the Lisbon Treaty will be rewritten – requiring full ratification again by the Parliament of each and every EU member state.

So, the big question now is:

Will Cameron uphold his pledge for a referendum?

Will Clegg uphold the LibDem pledge for a referendum?

Will UKIP make this their Number One priority?

The Albion Alliance will be canvassing candidates yet again to get them to pledge to work for you and promise BEFORE they are elected that they will work for a referendum.

You can support the Albion Alliance campaign by putting this pledge form in front of every candidate.

In the last few days of this 2010 election, lets put an EU Referendum back on the political agenda.

The public remain overwhelmingly in favour of a referendum, the failure to grasp it would not only be astonishingly short-sighted; it would be the final brutal betrayal of the pledges made to the British people in a general election – the election of 2005.

H/T Taxpayers Alliance & England Expects

About IanPJ

Ian Parker-Joseph, former Leader of the Libertarian Party UK, who currently heads PDPS Internet Hosting and the Personal Deed Poll Services company, has been an IT industry professional for over 20 years, providing Business Consulting, Programme and Project Management, specialising in the recovery of Projects that have failed in a process driven world. Ian’s experience is not limited to the UK, and he has successfully delivered projects in the Middle East, Africa, US, Russia, Poland, France and Germany. Working within different cultures, Ian has occupied high profile roles within multi-nationals such as Nortel and Cable & Wireless. These experiences have given Ian an excellent insight into world events, and the way that they can shape our own national future. His extensive overseas experiences have made him all too aware of how the UK interacts with its near neighbours, its place in the Commonwealth, and how our nation fits into the wider world. He is determined to rebuild many of the friendships and commercial relationships with other nations that have been sadly neglected over the years, and would like to see greater energy and food security in these countries, for the benefit of all. Ian is a vocal advocate of small government, individual freedom, low taxation and a minimum of regulation. Ian believes deeply and passionately in freedom and independence in all areas of life, and is now bringing his professional experiences to bear in the world of politics.
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4 Responses to Lisbon Treaty must be re-ratified – EU

  1. jameshigham says:

    It’s all before us.

  2. Pingback: Place your vote with your conscience « IanPJ on Politics

  3. Pingback: Place your vote with your conscience « IanPJ on Politics

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