UK Coalition speed up EU integration

There was a press release from the EU Commission today that caught my eye via the Albion Alliance presents site, which is a source for raw no spin EU related information.

The press release, which I doubt you will find any reference to in the UK press, was issued by Internal Market and Services Commissioner Michel Barnier who said:

It’s essential that European rules aimed at making the Internal Market work are implemented in Member States – in time and properly.

The report provides an overview of Member States’ compliance with the implementation and application of Internal Market law, with a target of less than 1% of directives, regulations and opinions remaining outstanding to be transposed into National laws.

In total, 18 Member States meet the 1% target of which 8 improved or equalled their transposition deficit compared to six months ago: Denmark, Malta, Slovakia, Finland, Slovenia, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The UK Coalition government has been speeding up the implementation of EU law in the UK. So much for a Eurosceptic Tory party eh.

You can read the Press release by clicking on Go to Source here

You can read the full implementation report here.

About IanPJ

Ian Parker-Joseph, former Leader of the Libertarian Party UK, who currently heads PDPS Internet Hosting and the Personal Deed Poll Services company, has been an IT industry professional for over 20 years, providing Business Consulting, Programme and Project Management, specialising in the recovery of Projects that have failed in a process driven world. Ian’s experience is not limited to the UK, and he has successfully delivered projects in the Middle East, Africa, US, Russia, Poland, France and Germany. Working within different cultures, Ian has occupied high profile roles within multi-nationals such as Nortel and Cable & Wireless. These experiences have given Ian an excellent insight into world events, and the way that they can shape our own national future. His extensive overseas experiences have made him all too aware of how the UK interacts with its near neighbours, its place in the Commonwealth, and how our nation fits into the wider world. He is determined to rebuild many of the friendships and commercial relationships with other nations that have been sadly neglected over the years, and would like to see greater energy and food security in these countries, for the benefit of all. Ian is a vocal advocate of small government, individual freedom, low taxation and a minimum of regulation. Ian believes deeply and passionately in freedom and independence in all areas of life, and is now bringing his professional experiences to bear in the world of politics.
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5 Responses to UK Coalition speed up EU integration

  1. barry laughton says:

    The more rhetoric and spin from the conservative part of this coalition. No sign of action against the continuous EU creep to go with the spin. Any of the referendum mentioned in conservative manifesto will probably go exactly the same way as Gordon Browns promise. Barry

  2. Pingback: Vince Cable and SEPA | IanPJ on Politics

  3. Pingback: UK Coalition speed up EU integration | The Albion Alliance presents

  4. Pingback: Coalition Speed Up UK Integtration Into EU | The Albion Alliance presents

  5. Pingback: Tory Conference – Day 2 | IanPJ on Politics

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